Saturday, October 24, 2009

Have you ever gotten whipped as a child?

With belt, paddle, tree branch, twitch, fly swatter, bare hands, fists, shoes and others??

Have you ever gotten whipped as a child?
Oh yeah.......I was raised the old fashion way and I took it like a man.
Reply:I've been beaten by my mom with a wooden stick, umbrella, fists, open palm (slap to the face), belt, tennis racket, ruler, and chair. I didn't deserve any of it. She had anger issues and more or less used me as a punching bag. It felt somewhat emasculating to be beaten by a woman. But by the time I was 12 or so, I had grown too big and strong for her so she stopped.
Reply:i have been whipped as a child since the age of 5

i was so upset, my parents discipline me and by nature, they are strict but can reward me for being good

it cut me deep in thought being whipped

but it is part of discipline

i just wished there was a leaneant alternative of punishment
Reply:We were beaten with a belt, wooden spoons until they broke, hands too. It still bothers me till this day.

I believe in gently spanking a child if that is absolutely necessary on the backside. But there is no excuse in my mind to hit or slap anyone and never a child.
Reply:you forgot spoons,and hairbrushes. i remember getting those toy paddles with the connecting ball and i'd tie that little ball on until it had no more string cause i knew my *** was paddle bound. lol. never by fists, when i was young we got our *** busted if it was necessary and turned out better for it.
Reply:Beat with a rope, whipped with a switch yes. But there was a huge difference between the two the switch was deserved and didn't hurt for long.
Reply:No, just punched, open hand slapped, chased with salad fork, face dunked in kitchen sink, and pot thrown at me. ;). Duck and move , duck and move. I weave like an old nanny or a driving test. OH YEAH!
Reply:Yes - tree branch and bare hands by parents and teachers while disciplining me and I would say that at this age when look back I am benefited from it
Reply:Oh yeah, almost all of the above actually! Seems like for some ppl it's their only way to make themselves feel powerful! By slamming their own son who is 3 times smaller than them ! Bravo, now dats being a MAN !
Reply:yup, I've been whipped since i was like 2yrs old i guess. and it stop when i was 12yrs old. i quite naughty as a child
Reply:Yeah, with bare hands and those cane

Those nasty teachers
Reply:No. I was never spanked or "whipped" as a child.
Reply:Noo. I think thats so cruel. My mum would give us a bit of a smack when we were younger as a last resort, but never using something to hit us as a weapon. I think thats too far.
Reply:I wouldn't say "Whipped" it was more of a smacking. :p
Reply:As a child....


As an adult...

Reply:you forgot slippers, wooden spoons, pots and pans haha yeah all the time.
Reply:Never have. dad was bad-tempered back then...but i'm glad he's change now.
Reply:I was spanked pretty hard once as a kid. That's it really!! I learned my lesson then and there!!
Reply:i iwish!!

Loose Teeth

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