Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Months of the year game-list something you would normally be doing for each month?

here are my answers

1)January-reading about Martin Luther King and the first Christmas tree he chopped down and decorated,counting the days down to my birthday which is January 19th, sending Ellen DeGeneres a happy birthday email.

2)February-making 2 of my cousins Valentine's day cards.

3)March-reading more about St. Patrick's day, wear something green around the house.



6June-nothing special

7)July-nothing special

8)August-nothing special

9)September-nothing special

10)October counting days till Halloween watching scary movies, and episode of my favorite shows, reading more about Halloween, eating lots of candy.

11)November-counting down the days till Thanksgiving, eating Thanksgiving dinner with family, putting up the tree the day my Tina Turner birthday question on the 26th.

12)December-Christmas shopping with family, spending lots and lots and lots of money,buying lots of toys, electronics, books, clothes, shoes, perfume, DVDs

The Months of the year game-list something you would normally be doing for each month?
1) January-Trying to recuperate from the holidays and attend the M L King celebration / march. 2) Febuary- Attends events celebrating Black History Month, help grandkids write out Valentine cards for classmate at school, rest on Presidents day and last but not least celebrate my birthday. 3) March- Do my Spring cleaning, fly kites on the playgrounds (with grandkids) when the wind is high, try to keep my grandkids busy during their Spring Break, and preparing for Easter Sunday this month. 4) April- April Fool whom ever I can, start my yard work / planting. 5) May- Help grandkids prepare for May Day events for school, honor Mother's Day and honor Memorial Day by visiting grave sites or reminise about love ones and friends that have passed on. 6) June- Honor Father's Day, make plans for summer vacation. 7) July- celebrate the 4th of July bar-be-queing and go to see all the fireworks. 8) August- Lazy-hazy hot days to chill out by a swimming pool, help buy school supplies and clothing for grandkids to start back to school. 9) September- try to rest and relax for Labor Day. 10) October- Rake leaves, put up Halloween decorations, relax on Columbus Day and take grandkids Trick or Treating. 11) November- Visit the Veterans at the VA Hospital on Veterans Day, Prepare for Thanksgiving dinner with friends and relatives and be an early bird for Black Friday. 12) December- Shop, shop, shop, put up Xmas decorations, tree and lights, have a peaceful celebration with family and friends

skin tone

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